צבי פוס

                 Endodontic Center , Dr. Zvi Fuss    03-6499735                 

Zvi Fuss Gallery

Partnering with referring referral dentists

Dr. Zvi Fuss works closely together with general dentists, reconstructive dentists, and other dentistry specialists that refer patients for a consultation or a procedure at the Zvi Fuss, DDS, Endodontic Center.  The cooperation entails the following steps:
1. Sending the information by the referring dentist.
2. Endodontic consultation or treatment using a clinical microscope (root canals, episectomies, root canal renewals, treatment of dental bruises, root perforation, root resorption).
3. Reporting the results of the treatment or consultation back to the referring dentist.  We send back a letter accompanied by x-rays by mail, email, fax, or with the patient – whichever method is most convenient to the patient and the referring dentist.
4. Check-ups and inspections are performed at the center free-of-charge for every procedure done at the center with the results of the check-up reported back to the referring dentist.
We carefully document the procedure including all correspondence and x-rays.  The patient file at the center is comprehensive and is saved in a fully digital format.
Clinic sharing services for microscope-aided apicectomies
We have unique episectomy equipment at the Zvi Fuss, DDS, Endodontic Center, including a microscope, ultrasonic gear, and other dedicated equipment.  We offer access to an episectomy treatment room including an optional endodontic specialist to dentists who completed the Modern Episectomy Course at the Center.
For information about this arrangement please contact:
Moran Fuss, Office Manager and Course Coordinator.
Click here for information about courses for dentists>>



  Endodontic Center , Dr. Zvi Fuss 03-6499735 , Glicksberg St. No. 7, Tel-Aviv,  Israelzvi.fuss@gmail.com    © All Rights reserve to Dr. Zvi Fuss

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