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                 Endodontic Center , Dr. Zvi Fuss    03-6499735                 

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What to do after a root canal treatmentndodontic procedures

Congratulations for successfully completing a root canal at the Zvi Fuss, DDS, Endodontic Center.  In most cases you will not experience any pain in the days following the procedure, though sometimes the tooth will be sensitive for a short period due to an accumulation of fluids underneath the tooth, which occurs naturally as part of the healing process.
We recommend that you avoid chewing with the treated tooth for an hour and a half immediately after the procedure or until the hyper-sensitivity goes away.  You may take painkillers to ease the soreness, and you may rinse the mouth with salt water (half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water) for 3-4 minutes a few times a day when there’s hyper-sensitivity.

If you are experiencing strong pain and/or swelling you might have to take some antibiotics, but only after consulting with the doctor and getting a prescription.  In these rare cases, you must make sure you take the antibiotics exactly as prescribed.

After the root canal procedure is complete the root canal is filled with a permanent filling, while the external part of the tooth is filled with a temporary filling.  At this stage you would usually need a permanent reconstruction (a crown and structure, usually) in order to protect the tooth from fracturing or from developing tooth decay.  At the Zvi Fuss, DDS, Endodontic Center we focus on the endodontic procedure and we not on reconstruction work.  You should, therefore, contact your referring dentist as soon as you can to book the reconstruction work.

We recommend coming in to the center 6-8 months after your root canal for a check-up and an inspection.  This service is provided at no extra charge at the Zvi Fuss, DDS, Endodontic Center. 


  Endodontic Center , Dr. Zvi Fuss 03-6499735 , Glicksberg St. No. 7, Tel-Aviv,  Israelzvi.fuss@gmail.com    © All Rights reserve to Dr. Zvi Fuss

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